Hacienda La Querencia is located in Nono-Quito Province, 19km from Occidental Avenue up Machala Avenue, just 30 minutes away from El Bosque Shopping Center or El Condado Shopping Center, Quito.

It is a small town located in a beautiful sub-tropical valley, a picturesque and cozy village with carefully decorated and colorful houses. It has a church, stadium, main square and fire station. It offers an excellent option for weekend escapes for those looking to have an encounter with nature. Its 400 population is mainly dedicated to agriculture and livestock, tourism and restoration.

La Querencia - CLAVE Turismo Ecuador

It borders Yanacocha Ecological Reserve which makes it possible to enjoy a variety of orchids, quindes and wild birds, and if one gets up early, the spectacled bears will accompany you to greet the day along with “cervicabras” and other animals of the area, as well as grazing cows and horses.

Given the beauty of the surroundings and closeness to Quito, Hacienda La Querencia is open to the public on weekends and holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. During the week, prior reservation and coordination of dates and times, educational visits for schoolchildren are organized, as well as social and corporate events. Rooms are equipped for directorys meetings, strategic planning meetings, training, product launches, etc.

La Querencia - CLAVE Turismo Ecuador

Large green areas in which you can carry out exhibitions or fairs, social events such as breakfasts or family lunches, birthday celebration or weddings, surround the hacienda. Nono´s Church, a true relic built in 1836 and recently restored, is located exactly in front of the pedestrian entrance to the hacienda.

Four salons have capacity to seat 160 people. Outside tents can accommodate 900 people. Parking is safe and free, with capacity of up to 100 vehicles or 20 buses.

La Querencia - CLAVE Turismo Ecuador

The recreational areas offer alternatives for children and adults: games, soccer fields, ecua-volley, and the highest official Rugby court in the world. We recently opened the Mini-Golf court with 15 holes and a small lagoon for sport fishing. Trouts are charged according to its weight and fisherman on the premises can grill them, or be cooked in the restaurant. Also, a range of trails have been structured within the hacienda to enjoy guided walks, horseback and bicycle ridding, allowing you to observe flora and fauna in the area, along with the beautiful natural environment that surrounds it.

La Querencia - CLAVE Turismo Ecuador

In Hacienda la Querencia, dairy cattle are raised in green fields planted with improved forage grasses. With much care, milk of very high quality is produced. There is also an interactive farm in which children and adults learn about domestic animals and their usefulness, verifying that eggs come from hens and not from supermarkets, milk comes from cows and goats and not from the Tetrapack boxes, wool comes from sheep, vicuñas and alpacas not from factories, and other curiosities of the animals that we raise.

La Querencia - CLAVE Turismo Ecuador

Cow milking is at 3:00 pm. It offers visitors the opportunity of a real experience. Visiting the calf area afterwards is exciting if it is done when milk is taken directly from milking. Vegetables are grown in the garden and delicious demonstrations explain how they are produced.

La Querencia - CLAVE Turismo Ecuador

The barbecue area allows visitors to grill their meals outdoors while enjoying a spectacular view of the valley. If necessary, firewood is provided. For those who wish to camp, the camping area is equipped with bathrooms and showers with hot water. Without doubt, a wood fire will cheer the evening up.

La Querencia - CLAVE Turismo Ecuador

We offer rustic breakfasts, and for lunch, pizzas, artisanal burgers, typical dishes, and every last Sunday of the month, a meat festival with all you can eat service. We make delicious milk ice cream with Italian formulas and technology, as well as butter, fresh cheese, mozzarella and yoghurts, with fresh, pure, pasteurized milk from our cows, products that can be consumed at the hacienda or purchased to take home.

La Querencia - CLAVE Turismo Ecuador

In Hacienda La Querencia it will always be a pleasure to welcome visitors and share with them the energy that a day in contact with nature provides. It is a peaceful and beautiful place that remains with affection in the memories of those who visit it. Nono is the ninth Canton of the Pichincha´s province, and as the legend goes, it was offered it to the devil to make it his home, to which he replied, “no, no, this place is too beautiful”.

La Querencia - CLAVE Turismo Ecuador