Adventure on two wheels

The author Raced motorcycles in El Salvador, go-karts and rally cars in Mexico.  He races cars in Germany. Ecuador is the veritable “bike heaven”, something I have known all my life. Years ago I based my opini...

The Charming Attractions of: Manabí & La Ruta del Sol

Manabí is the most extensive province of the coastal region of Ecuador and is famous for its beautiful beaches. Nearly 350 km kiss the coastal profile of this province -the perfect alchemy comprising comfort, i...

Baños de Agua Santa

Pure Adrenalin Baños de Agua Santa is located between the Andes mountain range and the Amazon jungle, in the province of Tungurahua, this area enjoys a year round average temperature of 64 degrees Fahrenheit Ba...
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A CULTURE OF HANDICRAFTS Plaza of the Ponchos is one of Ecuador's best known handicrafts markets. The visitor's experience can go way beyond just buying stuff. It can really transcend into the marvelous experie...